Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Photographs with Adobe Photoshop Elements

Adobe Photoshop Elements is similar to the full version in a lot of ways, but a bit easier to learn. If you are just learning Photoshop you may want to experiment with some of the easier features to learn at first. Here is how you can add text to a photograph using Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Open the program and open your photograph within the program by going to "File," and then "Open." Locate your image where it is saved, and then click "OK."

Look in your tool box for the tool that is represented by the letter "T". Click on it. This is your text tool. Mouse over to your image and click on it where you want the text to be. Note, you can move the text later if it is not in the right spot.

Select the font and size of your text from the horizontal tool bar across the top of the program window. You will see options with pull-down menus for font, size, centering, etc.

Look for the color square at the bottom of the tool box. Click directly on it to select a color of the text.

Type directly on the image whatever you want it to say. Save your image.

Go back to the tool box and click on the selection tool, which looks like an arrow. With the arrow selected you can click on the text and move it around the image until it is where you want it to be. Save your image again.

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop Elements.Click Here For Details Adobe Photoshop Elements